The Fan2Stage Sports system is designed for any sized livestream sports event. From the local softball field with a webcam to a major league stadium, Fan2Stage brings the fan energy to the players. With a virtual audience experience, fans that can’t get a seat can still cheer for their team. They can even boo the calls they don’t like.
Little League
Livestream youth sports are better with the Fan2Stage system. For smaller fields, Fan2Stage offers mini-pc’s preloaded with all the software you need. Just connect to any house PA system and your fans can cheer for your livestream sports events. For example, little league games, with Live On Stage lets grandparents across the country can cheer on the kids. If your stadium or field has a webcam and a PA speaker you can use our system. Your team players families and fans can cheer live from anywhere. For larger stadiums Fan2Stage On Stage servers offer addressable audio and video zones. This way fans can cheer from the stands and even take sides. The patent pending Fan2Stage system lets the fan be heard even if they can’t be there.
And Big League
Multi-cam systems can be set up so the fans cheer from the zone their camera is sitting in.
Having an engineer in the booth press “cheer” or “applause” isn’t the same and the players know it. Players go to the next level when they know their fans are watching and another level when they cheer. It is only when they get the live feedback from the fans, not from the booth, that they’ll take their game to the next level.
Its More Than Crowd Noise

The psychology is simple for both the fan and the player. If you hear applause and no one is there, it isn’t real. The fans can watch a video game or a rerun of an old game and get more. When you hear applause and cheering from Fan2Stage fans, everyone knows the stakes are raised.
Fan2Stage can be set up for individual stadiums or teams and can be fully integrated with existing application for streamed games. If your school, team or league organization would like to learn more make an appointment here and we’ll call you at your convenience or call us directly.