For the past year we have been working on the next version of Fan2Stage®. There are several significant improvements in overall performance and the fan experience. The Alpha release is currently in testing and you can give it a try.

The Small Screen Gets Bigger.

One of the trends over the past couple of years is that mobile device screens have gotten bigger. With the Fan2Stage 2.0a both the artist and the fan can display the video stream on the same screen as the input buttons. Now you can take the show every where you go. We could only do this with the introduction of Chunked CMAF.

For the artists side that means that you can use a single device, mobile, laptop or desktop workstation to host a show. No need to have your phone plugged in next to your computer to make it work. This also expands the places that Fan2Stage can go and where you can host or be part of a show.

Better Servers = Better Service

We have also made a major upgrade to our servers as we prepare to split out the sports version, Fan2Field. While sports events are also shows, they have different requirements so they are getting their own servers this Spring. Our new servers are based in the US and Europe to get them closer to your show and make them faster.

There are also some new features. Instead of only getting a tip at the end of the show artists can now sell tickets to the show. We are working with video streaming services to create private shows that can only be accessed by paying fans. Look for that feature soon. No more hoping for a few pennies from ads. Artists can always record the shows and post them for ad revenue later but that just isn’t the same as live and we all know it. That is why we created Fan2Stage in the first place.

If you want to sign up and take a sneak peak at Fan2Stage 2.0a and join the next episode of CoolToys®, click here to sign up as a fan and be the first to get the new Fan2Stage LiveFan® App. I look forward to hearing from you at the show.
