Live On Stage App Is In Beta!

Live On Stage App Is In Beta!

Live On Stage is for people that host live shows. Talk Show hosts, musicians, comedians and anyone that livestreams needs the Live On Stage to stay connected with fans without being distracted. In addition to the web based version for home studios with a laptop or...

Getting Interrupted? Get a LED Sign!

Get an LED Sign for your podcast. While Cruising NAMM we found a lot of very CoolToys for podcasters and live streamers. One essential item was these LED Signs from American Recorder. Every podcaster and live streamer has someone that interrupts them and now you can...
Getting Ready for NAMM

Getting Ready for NAMM

At the end of January one of the biggest shows for the business side of the business is happening. Just across the street from Disneyland at the Anaheim convention center will be the NAMM show. We will be there, will you? Gear Matters While we built Fan2Stage to work...
Getting Ready for NAMM

Live Fans For Every Stage ™

When we started trying to solve the problem of bringing a live audience to live streaming, we realized there is more. What we were really doing was building a pathway of Live Fans For Every Stage. Performers need live fans One of the great truths of human performance...
Fan2Stage 2.0

Fan2Stage 2.0

For the past 24 months we have been working hard on the latest version of Fan2Stage, Fan2Stage 2.0 What Does This Mean To You? Fan2Stage 2.0 is a complete revamp of the main website and the user apps. As of now we only have an app for fans, LiveFan and it will be...