New Version Needs Testers! – Get A Year FREE!

As we close out version one and improve speed and response rate to engage fans for live streamed events we need some performers to test out our new version. If you live stream or would like to live stream, email us and let us know you are interested.

We have two full seasons of live-streaming under our belts and a couple of remote live stream events. If you want a professional live stream and aren’t sure how to set it up, we can help you with the tools to get that done too. We have no secrets in our studios. We use Black Magic ATEM’s which are available from a number of sellers and we use canon cameras because we like the face tracking auto-focus. We’d love to be able to control them from the ATEM like Black Magic BMCC Cameras but we can’t, and the BMCC doesn’t have an auto focus feature so Canon takes the win.

Jump on this deal before it’s gone!

Live-Streaming Made Better with Fan2Stage

Has live-streaming left you feeling lonely? Are you hungry to hear from the audience? Did you try a conference system and end up just getting distracted by chat boxes and little faces on the screen? Fan2Stage might just be what you are looking for.

The Audience Makes It Better

The reality is simple. Live shows are better than recorded. TV studios figured that out forty years ago and build bleacher seats for sitcoms and talk shows. When the pandemic hit and the audience was sent home, the shows changed. As an actor that has been in the audience and on stage, I can tell you that having a live audience changes everything. Some of the best actors build their chops on stage in live theater. Building emotional skills means getting feedback from other people.

My first experience with a live audience was working a specialized background job on a nickelodeon set. The rehearsals all went well and one would expect. We had a lot of fun with the gag and the actors were ready. When we came back after dinner to find the room filled with almost a hundred people everything changed. All of the actors including me changed the game. One of the biggest changes was an actor playing the owner of a shoe store. You might recognize him as a teacher from Young Sheldon.

Staying Connected Live-Streaming

Live-Stream with a Live Audience.

When the pandemic first hit people tried anything to Live-Stream and stay connected. The reality is that no good tools existed. The NFL fined teams for piping in audience roars. Even the NFL realized they needed an audience to get the players to get to another level. The fact of life is that as humans, we love attention. Without that cheering from the audience we have no attention.

Using the tools most of the Live-Streaming platforms simply become a distraction. Those little chat boxes give you something to look at and think about right in the middle of a show. While you are reading the chat box, you are losing the rest of the audience. When you see the little faces or the chat box texts flying by, you are just distracted.

Going to The Next Level Live-Streaming

As Fan2Stage evolves and gets faster we are looking for more artists to test out the system. We are rebuilding the system from the ground up after the feedback we received from the first versions. The original is alive and well here at and you can get it free too. We’d love to hear how Fan2Stage elevates your game, grab the app and cheer me on next time we have a CoolToys live too!

Clap App CoolToys Fan Phone Screen

The Original “Clap App”

Nope, not that Clap, the audience clap app!

Recently I ran into a fan of CoolToys TV in the DFW airport. Admittedly our show isn’t that popular so I was a little off guard when they stopped and said hello. Since I always have a free Fan2Stage decal or CoolToys pen with me, I gave him a pen. Then he said “So how come the show isn’t on the clap app any more?”.

What App?

Walking through the airport I have a lot of things on my mind. The last thing I was thinking about was our upcoming live show schedule. Those are the kinds of things we decide in the office when I have at least our producer in the room. Because I was just thinking about getting something to eat, I didn’t quite get what he was saying. I asked what he meant and then he showed me the Fan2Stage app on his phone.

Under CoolToys TV there weren’t any scheduled shows. He said he liked that the “clap app” gave him a notice when we had a new show coming up. I looked at my phone and sure enough we had subscribers on That was pretty cool. I left promising to get another CoolToys® TV episode online and live soon.

Cheer App?

So is there a difference between the “Clap App” and the “Cheer App”? Well, there are three apps in the works. The first of course is Fan2Stage which you can download and use now. The OnStage app is the version for the people hosting the shows like CoolToys TV or maybe someday Garth and Trisha from their home studio. The second app is Fan2Field and I guess you could call it the “Cheer App”. We created it specifically for youth sports and it may expand into college and pro sports soon.

Until then get Fan2Stage, the original clap app and join shows live. You press the button, we hear you, because you are wherever you are, not in our studio.

Low Latency Streaming And Fan2Stage

Fan2Stage gets ready for Broadcast as Apple and Microsoft play nice?

Early in the testing of Fan2Stage, a major studio thought it could work for one of their talk shows. Using conferencing platforms like Zoom, just didn’t cut it. While the system was good at preventing audio loops, it had other issues. Fan2Stage was build to solve many of those issues.

During the early testing it was discovered that there was nearly two minutes of delay from the time the shows host made a comment until the fans saw it. No one ever checked it because no one ever cared. There was still a live audience in the studio for the host to work off of. Performers and entertainers of all kinds need an audience. The audience gives them the energy to go on. As an actor I will tell you that I am not a live theater actor but my favorite jobs were shows shot in front of a live studio audience.

Latency is the Delay

That 90 to 120 second delay we experienced testing with the show was due to the way streaming is handled. The technical term for it is latency delay. The delay is caused by the fact that every viewing device doesn’t decode the signal the same. When an Apple iPad logs in to see the live stream, it sends a code to the shows systems saying it is an Apple Device using x.decoder. When an Android tablet check it, it sent that it used G.decoder. The same was true for Microsoft PC’s.

Because each operating system used a different viewer for live events and live stream video, latency delay was inevitable and low latency streaming nearly impossible. The server at the host had to generate 3 or more different streams, and that accounted for the biggest chunk of the delay. Even if the server converted it to Mp4 so everyone could see it, that would take time too.

Lets Get Chunky

In the July 2022 issue of‘s magazine, they announced a new technology. The new tech is called Chunked CMAF. Chunked CMAF is a low latency streaming protocol. In 2016 Apple and Microsoft realized that streaming latency was a problem, and started working with the Moving Pictures Expert Group, the MPEG in Mpeg video files, to create a single standard.

In 2017 demonstrations showed the delay to be as little as 5 seconds, but that still wasn’t the same as a straight webcam which could be sub 1 second. They kept working. Everyone realizes that OTT (Internet live streaming) latency delays are a problem. In the stock market companies pay millions for faster networks, closer to the trading floor to execute trades just milliseconds ahead of the other guy.

Live sports isn’t much different. If you can bet on the outcome of a field goal, and have a 90 second head start on the outcome, that is a major advantage. Interestingly live sports is one of the first areas that Chunked CMAF is expected to be used. Because of that we are working on Fan2Field as well.

Its About a Laugh

The NFL fined teams for adding fake applause as live audiences returned. What if they could add live applause from real people? We thought it would be the right thing. Laughing at a joke 90 seconds after the talk show host delivers it, doesn’t enhance the show. Cheering for the field goal 90 seconds later doesn’t cut it either. Live streaming is about to really be “live”. Don’t be left out, download the live fan app now.

Fan2Stage – “The Audience is Here!”

Fan2Stage Intro Video

Ever missed your favorite singer’s concert, or a sports event you had been eagerly waiting for,

 Or in fact a Theatre performance?

Fan2Stage brings a solution to all of these problems.

Now you can attend live concerts! Sports events and even worship together through Fan2Stage system which is a two way virtual reality platform.

And no!! You are not dreaming,

 Fan2Stage is the next Astroworld! But less chaotic haha.

This Virtual Audience System was built by performers for performers and fans.

So don’t lose fans or funds because of social distancing. Bring the Fans to your Stage! 

And don’t forget to click the bell icon and subscribe for more amazing updates!

Fan2Stage ® – Because Fans Are Everywhere

The lesson we learned during the pandemic is that fans are hungry and fans are everywhere, but we couldn’t hear them. More importantly, we wanted to hear them. Even when they couldn’t make it to the show they were hungry for live content. But live isn’t the same without feedback from the audience. So we found a solution that made sense. We wanted to keep in simple after trying dozens of other methods for our live version of CoolToys.TV

Fan2Stage brings real feedback from real fans to any size studio or live show. Have 50 fans in the audience and want to hear from 1000 more? Fan2Stage can make that happen. Fans can be anywhere they have internet access as long as you have a truly livestream show. We did find a few of the streams are monitored or delayed like Facebook live so while Garth and Trisha did a great job with their live shows there, we don’t recommend it for Fan2Stage.

We can bring the audience to you in realtime, you will need a live stream that brings you to the audience in real time. We are currently working with vendors to cut the latency delay of their livestreams. Some are recording them, others are monitoring them so there is a built in delay that can be up to 3 minutes. We don’t recommend Facebook live or YouTube Live unless you have the pro version on YouTube and even then performance at the time of writing is not as good as most performers would like. For now the best is a simple webcam. If you want to learn about different ways to set up your studio, check out this article.

Fans are Everywhere, hear them with Fan2Stage
Real Fans are Everywhere, Can You Hear Them?

Fan2Stage brings real fans to your shows virtually. There is nothing like the live feedback from live fans when you are on stage. We know because the founders of Fan2Stage have all worked in front of live audiences, on stage and in studio. There is no greater thrill than hearing back from your fans. Get Fan2Stage today.

If you are looking for new fans, remember, fans are everywhere ® and when they get the Fan2Stage app they can find new artists and shows like yours to follow and join the audience. Fan2Stage is about keeping us connected no matter where we are in the world. Doesn’t it make sense to connect to fans everywhere from anywhere? Don’t forget your swag too. There are versions of Fan2Stage for venues and performers of all kinds of show sizes.

If you are ready to hear from more of your fans, then it is time to start using Fan2Stage.

Fan2Stage Logo on Pickle ball court

Fan2Stage Sponsors Make a Wish Pickle Ball

Fan2Stage joined the local community and sponsors for the Make a Wish pickle ball tournament at Newport Beach Country Club.

The OCIE chapter of the Make A Wish Foundation held a fundraiser at the Newport Beach Country Club. Fan2Stage joined the Cain Group and other sponsors as part of the nearly $70,000 raised to make wishes come true.

“Obviously with our Fan2Field app in development it makes sense to sponsors sports related events. Maybe next year the event can be live on Fan2Field to raise more money.” said Fan2Stage CMO Kelly Bourquin who also played in the tournament. Pickle Ball is a cross between tennis and ping pong according to some, but many of the players found it to be a bit more challenging.

The next event for make a wish is the Galaxy of Wishes on December 7th, 2021

About Make a Wish

The Make a Wish Foundation mission is based on the idea that “A wish experience can be a game-changer for a child with a critical illness.”

This one belief guides us in everything we do at Make-A-Wish. It inspires us to grant life-changing wishes for children going through so much. It compels us to be creative in exceeding the expectations of every wish kid. It drives us to make our donated resources go as far as possible. Most of all, it’s the founding principle of our vision to grant the wish of every eligible child.

For more information about the OCIE Chapter of Make a Wish and other events, you can visit their website.

Youth Sports

Fan2Field – The Virtual Audience For Youth Sports

Fan2Stage Ltd has announced the development of Fan2Field, a version of their patent pending virtual audience system specifically for youth sports.

Social distancing isn’t the only reason you might not make your kids or grand kids games. Sometimes jobs take families to far away places. Sometimes it’s health or mobility issues. Sometimes as a parent you need to be a two places at once. With Fan2Field you can still cheer on the kids no matter where they are.

Kids Soccer needs a virtual audience - photo courtesy of

A virtual audience system is very easy to add to any sports field that has a webcam and internet access. The Fan2Field system will run on just about any iOS (Apple) or Android (Google) mobile device. With a tablet that costs less than $200, and an audio cable, the Fan2Field Game Connect Application can bring the sounds of real fans to the field virtually.

Youth Sized – Affordably Priced

The Fan2Field system is based on the original Virtual Audience Servers designed for college and pro sports. All of the same benefits with a much lower cost to implement and manage. Fan2Field brings in a Virtual Audience for Youth sports. It doesn’t matter what game your kids play as long as there is a webcam, internet access and a speaker. Fan2Field works the same for Baseball, La Crosse, Soccer, Football and Tennis. One parent recently used an iPhone and a blue tooth speaker during a test to let grandparents cheer on the kids from another state.

Let your kids know that you are watching even if you can’t be there. Be part of the live virtual audience with Fan2Field!

On Stage Live App Logo

Grow Your Audience With Fan2Stage

If you want to grow your audience, start with Fan2Stage Virtual Audience System.

The key to success as a performer is to grow your audience. Actors, musicians, comedians, ministers and athletes all need an audience. Growing an audience is tough work. There is marketing, search engine optimization, live shows, live streaming and selling seats to make money. Today there is a better way.

grow your audience like CoolToys TV with Fan2Stage.

Performers at all levels are always looking for a better way to find people that might be interested in their work. Getting lost in the hundreds of Live Streaming apps, is easy. With Fan2Stage Virtual Audience Systems, your show can stand out because the fan know that you want a live audience. When you are connected with a live audience instead of just looking into the camera hoping they are watching is very different. With the Fan2Stage Live Fan Audience app in their hands, fans stay engaged with your show.

Created by performers like you for performers like you, the Fan2Stage virtual audience system is designed to help you grow your audience. The CoolToys TV host needed to find a better way. After trying dozens of systems, CoolToys TV host tried to find a better way. Working with the top performance Psychologists, he found the top interactions between audience and the hosts on stage. Now you can have a live stream show with the real live connection with the audience that you have been missing.

Sign up today at and find your new better audience.

Live Fan Audience App Screen

What Does Fan2Stage Virtual Audience System Do?

The Virtual Audience System by Fan2Stage creates a virtual audience for any live streamed event.

If you are not sure if you should be using the Fan2Stage virtual audience system, take a look as CoolToys TV host Scott gives a quick and dirty demo. All live performances are better with a live audience. With the Fan2Stage system you can have a live audience anywhere, virtually.

If you want to follow along, make sure you click the Login button at the top, select “Artist” and then sign up at the bottom.

Download the apps today at Google Play store or the Apple App Store.